Monday 28 December 2015

Tips about New Years Resolution

Before the 2015 end and start the year 2016 lets have some relaxing thoughts and opening some ideas. Yes! every year we make some list about our new years resolution but the question is, is your 2015 New years resolution accomplish? Wow! a big question isn't it? 
In this behalf some recap about the Nielsen top New Years resolution last 2015

1. Stay fit and healthy - 37%
2. Lose weight - 32%
3. Enjoy life to the fullest - 28%
4. Spend less, save more - 25%
5. Spend more time with family and friends - 19%

Source: Nielsen 

Yes! Indeed 'Stay fit and Healthy' is the No.1 in the list. This year 2016 are ready for a new years resolution? 

If yes! well here some tips in how are you going to create a new years resolution...

First, try to watch your self in the mirror and try to think what would be the best thing to change about your self.

Second, list all the changes you wanted.

Third, organized the list from your priorities.. 

Fourth, ready to create a checklist which you are going to check if that new years resolution done or not. 

and lastly, be confident enough that you can do it... 

Well Godbless for your new years resolution... 

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